Work Equip 05 17′ 8J +21 9J +29 5×114.3

Work Equip 05 are the wheels people wanted then, now and most likely in the future, as their prices recently have skyrocketed. Excellent average spec for any RWD car of 90ies era.
All hardware is in place, it will be a restoration base for someone interested.

Don’t let Euro prices confuse you! We ship worldwide! (1 EUR = 1.1 USD / 100 EUR = 110 USD etc.)

Restoration is possible! We don’t powder coat for better quality (I can explain):
Assembly Disassembly – 80 Euro

Faces Repaint (massive amount of color choices) – 180 Euro
Bolts Restoration (zinc plating) – 50 Euro
Lips Polishing – 150 Euro

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