Hoshino Impul Silhouette G5 Pair 15′ 6.5J + 27 / Hoshino Impul Silhouette Zero Racing Pair 15′ 6.5J + 5 4×114.3
Hoshino Impul Silhouette 15′ are by themselves fairly rare wheels as normally Hoshino’s are 14′. While majority of 15 inch models are factory welded, luckily, we managed to pair these two and get a factory non welded set . As for the rebuild, that could be done as well even with wider lips though would cost more of course.
Don’t let Euro prices confuse you! We ship worldwide! (1 EUR = 1.1 USD / 100 EUR = 110 USD etc.)
Restoration is possible! We don’t powder coat for better quality (I can explain):
Assembly Disassembly – 80 Euro
Faces Repaint (massive amount of color choices) – 180 Euro
Bolts Restoration (zinc plating) – 50 Euro
Lips Polishing – 150 Euro
Nuts Polishing – 80 Euro
1 in stock